The Indiana Paralegal Association and the Indianapolis Bar Association, Paralegal Section invite you to join us for our combined monthly luncheon meeting/seminar on the topic:
Pro Bono – it’s not just for attorneys anymore!
Special guest will be Erik Chickedantz, President of the Indiana State Bar Association.
Date: August 15, 2012
Time: 11:45
Where: Indiana State Bar Association
Conference Rooms A and B, One Indiana Square, Suite 530
[NE corner of Ohio and Pennsylvania Streets]
- Beef or Chicken Taco Salad Bar
- Refried beans
- Chips & Queso
- Cookie/Brownie Bar /
- Beverages
Value: 1.0 hour CLE credit
- Dennis Frick, Indiana Legal Services, Inc.
- LaDonna Wattley, Child Advocates
- Keith Berlin, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Biographies of the faculty and President Chickedantz appear below.
Members : $21.50
Non-Members: $21.50
Brown Bag: $5.00
PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS BY Friday, August 10, 2012 at 5:00P.M.
Registrations for this meeting are to be made through the Indiana Paralegal Association. You may register online at; via e-mail at info@indianaparalegals.
org, or you may call IPA at the telephone number below. Be sure to bring your check to the meeting if you have called or e-mailed your registration.
IPA derives no profit from the meetings.
Indiana Paralegal Association, Inc.
c/o Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP
2700 Market Tower
10 W. Market Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephone: (317) 686-3141

ISBA President C. Erik Chickedantz, Fort Wayne, is a partner at the firm Hawk Haynie Kammeyer & Chickedantz. Since 1972, he has practiced law in Fort Wayne, concentrating in the areas of personal injury, commercial, construction and insurance defense litigation and, during the past several years, mediation and arbitration. He received his B.S. from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, in 1963 and his J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1971. Erik served as an infantry officer in the U.S. Army, 1963-69, which included duty tours with the 101st Airborne Division, Vietnamese Airborne Division and the 82nd Airborne Division.
He is a member of the Allen County (past president), Indiana State (president-elect, 2010-11; vice president, 2009-10; chair, House of Delegates, 2007-08; district member, board of governors, 2001-03; secretary, 1999-2000) and American bar associations; Benjamin Harrison American Inn of Court (past president); Indiana Bar Foundation (member, board of directors); and Allen County Bar Foundation (member, board of directors).
Erik was born in Washington, Ind., in 1941. Erik and his wife, Anita, have four grown children, Julie, Jon, Andy and Jill; a son-in-law, Brian Risley; and two granddaughters, Ali and Leah.
Keith Berlin is an associate at Taft Stettinius & Hollister. He started his career at Taft and has been practicing for four years. Mr. Berlin focuses his practice on complex commercial and environmental litigation. He has been on the Indianapolis Bar Association's Pro Bono Standing Committee for three years and is in his first year as serving as chair of the committee. The IndyBar's Pro Bono Standing Committee promotes equal justice by developing, facilitating, coordinating, supporting, and improving IndyBar's programs and services designed to serve the legal needs of disadvantaged residents of the City of Indianapolis and its surrounding communities while providing opportunities for IndyBar members to fulfill their professional duty and personal responsibility to provide pro bono services to those in need.
LaDonna Wattley is a Volunteer Director at Child Advocates. She made a famous training video called “Big Mama's Chair: Getting from the Company Furniture to the Kitchen Table.” Anyone who has been able to see the full version of this training can tell you its not only educational and informative but full of laughter and fun. Highly recommended!
Dennis Frick is a Director of the Senior Law Project of Indiana Legal Services, Inc. He has represented Medicaid clients in administrative appeals, rule-making hearings, and in state and federal court. He is a member of the Indiana State Bar Association and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. He is the past chair of the Elder Law Section of the Indiana State Bar Association.