EST. 1979
Thank you DoxPop!
GRM is IPA's newest Platinum sponsor - Thank you GRM
Girls on the Run reaches girls at a critical stage, strengthening their confidence at a time when society begins to tell them they can’t. Underscoring the important connection between physical and emotional health, our program addresses the whole girl when she needs it the most.
To read more about our Charitable Partner, please visit their website at: Girl Empowerment | Girls on the Run | Nonprofit
"Wine and Friends the Perfect Pairing” ~ Wine Basket: Buck Creek Winery Basket: Christmas Cherry, Red Raspberry, and Sauvignon Blanc wines, cider spice, chocolates, and wine cork
Crew Car Wash: 4 - $5 off Ultimate Wash coupons, includes FastWax, Wheel Bright, Underbody Wash & Tire Shine
Indianapolis Zoo: 2 – Complimentary Tickets plus Parking Pass
Night Out Candlewood Suites plus $100.00 gift card to Capital Grille
Stay warm this season with a homemade afghan
The Indiana Paralegal Association is teaming up with A Better Way this year for its 2022-2023 Charitable Partner. To learn more about A Better Way - click here:
It is with great pleasure that IPA announces Shannon Day as the recipient of the Cathy Canny Scholarship. Shannon has been a paralegal at Taft for the past 6 years, has over 20 years of experience as a paralegal and is currently attending IUPUI to obtain her Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Law in Liberal Arts.
The Brennan Center for Justice is tracking all Federal and State Courts at the following link:
Courts’ Responses to the Covid-19 Crisis
In response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and with the understanding that notarization is an essential component of business and personal transactions, Governor Eric J. Holcomb, Secretary of State Connie Lawson, the Indiana State Bar Association, and key stakeholders are working diligently to expedite the implementation of remote notarization in the State of Indiana. Remote notarization was previously scheduled to go into effect on July 1, 2020. The administrative rules will now go into effect March 31, 2020 along with the statutory authority to perform remote notarizations. (75 IAC 7 & IC 33-42-17). Remote Notary Authorization If you are an active Indiana notary, you may immediately apply to become a remote notary: A remote notary authorization allows Indiana Notaries Public to perform notarial functions via two-way audio visual communication on an approved vendor platform while signatures are captured on an electronic record. You must contract with an approved remote technology vendor in order to perform remote notarizations. The Indiana Secretary of State's office is currently working to approve remote technology vendors as soon as possible. Once vendors are approved, they will be posted on Secretary of State’s Business Services homepage. Next Steps Complete and submit the below application to Complete the Indiana State-Required Remote Notary Education and Exam powered by the National Notary Association (NNA). NNA will provide a certificate of completion. Submit your certificate of completion to NNA expects the course to be available April 7, 2020. Receive approval of your application (via from the Secretary of State’s office. The Remote Technology Vendor will verify your approval with the Secretary of State’s office. Initiate contact with a remote technology vendor. Finalize onboarding with a remote technology vendor. Application
In response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and with the understanding that notarization is an essential component of business and personal transactions, Governor Eric J. Holcomb, Secretary of State Connie Lawson, the Indiana State Bar Association, and key stakeholders are working diligently to expedite the implementation of remote notarization in the State of Indiana. Remote notarization was previously scheduled to go into effect on July 1, 2020. The administrative rules will now go into effect March 31, 2020 along with the statutory authority to perform remote notarizations. (75 IAC 7 & IC 33-42-17).
Remote Notary Authorization
If you are an active Indiana notary, you may immediately apply to become a remote notary:
Next Steps
© 2014, Indiana Paralegal Association, Inc. | P.O. Box 441342 | Indianapolis, IN 46244
317.686.3141 | |
Last Updated 12/31/2024